Thursday, December 31, 2009

Advice for a girl who doesn't find schoolwork challenging?

I'm in grade 6 and I always found schoolwork really easy. And I just found out that in Maths, I had been doing Year 7 work and I hadn't noticed because it still seemed easy! Is there anything I can do to challenge myself? I'm moving to a supposedly better academic school, but everyone annoyingly says I'm smart and I did get the Dux but is there anything challenging I can do?Advice for a girl who doesn't find schoolwork challenging?
search around, there's always advanced programs that you can go into, not nescessarily for gr.7 though. Don't move up a grade, it'll be all awkard for you, (yet if you do decide to, move first, so you will get a fresh start which can make the awkardness easier).

Yet ur only in Gr.6, it's too soon to tell what kind of academic person you are. Work hard in grades 7 and 8, and if you still think it's easy, check if there's an IB school in your area.

For now, if you want to, ask your teachers about the gifed test.

btw, i don't know where you live, so i can only suggest IB(search on google, it's a very well-known program), and AP courses in high school(AP=Advanced Placement, you're basically taking a advanced course that's harder than the Ontario curriuculum).

In toronto, I know that there are cyberarts, TOPS, gifted, IB, and some other programs too.

Also, if you want to, for now, I advice asking your mom if you can take saturday school, or something like that. (tutor, etc) and sign up for a higher level , so u end up learning advanced stuff.

hope this helps.Advice for a girl who doesn't find schoolwork challenging?
you're going fine how you are... if you do move up a grade it might be awkward for you, and you might seem weird to everyone else and not do your best... i think you're fine how you are!!!!!!!

trust me- i know you...

and no im not a stalker
You need to ask your parents to have you tested for advanced classes. Take the results to your school and ask to re-assign you to more challenging classes for gifted students.
im in 4th grade and the same thing happened to me but luckily they asked me to take the test. talk to your parents and you can request to take the test and if you pass you go to the gifted class

good luck! :)
I imagine the reason you find school easy is because youre in grade 6 you queef

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