Sunday, December 27, 2009

I need advice for askin a girl out to my homecoming dance?

i want to ask out this girl but she doesnt know me and i dont know her. i mean she knows who i am but we dont know each other. i really like her but i dont know if she likes me. how should i ask her to the dance should i tell her i like her?I need advice for askin a girl out to my homecoming dance?
if you don't even know her why don't you just ask her if she is going to the dance then ask her to dance with you when you see her there.I need advice for askin a girl out to my homecoming dance?
How far away is the dance?

If it's a couple of weeks or a month, you have time to get to know her a bit better before asking her. Like, say hi to her in the hallway, bump into her when you see her sometimes and ask her which class she's heading too, then make some conversation about her class or your class or anything you like and get her to notice you and respond to you. Smiling helps alot and lets someone know you like them and that you are nice person. If you smile she won't be able to resist talking to you. After you've seen her around and have talked to her casually...then if you think the time is right, ask her if she's going to the dance. Tell her you are too, and ask if she wants to go with you? Or ask her to a movie with a group of friends first, so she can get to know you a bit better before she promises to go to the dance.

You are the best judge, but just be friendly and polite and smile at her and say hi when you see her.

Good luck :-)
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