Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Does this girl like me or should I move on? GIRLS ADVICE?

I like her and kind of flirt with her but she flirty with me more. A friend asked her if she liked me and she said: i dont know I dont really think of him that way. we are friends.

I really dont know. I wanna ask her out but I have a fear of rejection. ( if she says no then being friends would be awkward) ugggggg what do I do? Does this girl like me or should I move on? GIRLS ADVICE?
dont ask her on date, not a formal date anyway. ask her to go to lunch sometime. not at a fancy place or anything, somewhere where its not real intimate, so its not like a date. then if she says yes, take it from there. and if she says no. then you wont be rejected from a date or anything, u could even ask a FEW friends to go with.Does this girl like me or should I move on? GIRLS ADVICE?
She may just be a flirty person, so many girls are and don't even realize it. So, it's possible you are just taking her flirtatious attitude the wrong way. But, if you think you have a chance, ask her out! It really isn't as awkward as you would think. This has happened to me before and we stayed friends, you just have to act like nothing happened! Maybe, instead of asking her out first you should just tell her your feelings towards her and see her response. Obivously if she says she likes you too, you could ask her out, but if she doesn't feel the same way, just cutely say, ';Do you think we could pretend this never happened?';. Good luck :)
Look for hints that may lead to her liking you, but even if you ask and she rejects, learn a lesson and keep trying maybe on her or another girl.
just go for it .. if she turns you down thens she does\...

it wouldnt be the end of the world

it would be a 50/50 chance ...
  • good makeup
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