Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Any advice on how to be a single happy girl?

What can a woman do to feel GREAT about being on her own after a break-up? Sometimes I feel I need the company of a man to feel entirely happy.. I know it shouldn't be that way, but I find it hard to do some things (such as going out clubbing) and have fun as a single gal. I'm sure some of you have been through the same thing... what have you done to make it better?Any advice on how to be a single happy girl?
I didn't think about it obsessively, I went out and found what made ME happy (hobby, friends, movies, etc). I didn't seek out a new relationship immediately because I didn't know why the other one ended. I think the number one thing single girls need to understand before they can be in a relationship is that they need to be okay ALONE. Without a man. If you look to a man to make you happy...with that logic they can make you terribly unhappy too.Any advice on how to be a single happy girl?
I understand that feeling of thinking you need a man to be entirely happy. I have not been single since i was 14 and i am 23 now. My boyfriend of 5 yrs. has been in another state going to school for a year and a half and now went to another state for his externship and will be gone for 6 more months. While i have had this time to myself i find that it is a good time to figure out who you are and what you want in life and its a good time to accomplish things. I graduated college( it was a goal i had anyways but it kept me busy and keeps me from constantly thinking about him) Being single is a great time to go out with your friends and just see what is out there,(not only guys) but just the world in general. Enjoy your time to yourself and know that until you are happy with your self you can never be happy with anyonee else. And never settle for something or someone you are not happy with always strive to do an be the best you can.
Here's my heartfelt advice: revel in your freedom! There may come a time when you have obligations and responsibilities that will limit your choices. Many of these responsibilities will be happy ones...children and home life...but they will still demand your presence.

You are young, and wild, and free, a lioness on the hunt! You can dress to suit yourself, eat to suit yourself, plan your activities to suit yourself. If you fear that loneliness is implied, remember that a coin has two sides: you are your own mistress, and make arrangements as you see fit...and men find that irresistible!
Loooove yourself

knoowww Yourself

pleeease Yourself

Enjooooy Yourself

Pamper Yourself

Educate yourself

only then can u attain ultimate happiness and be cool with beign single
I am older than dirt, so I've learned that being happily single is a true prerequisite to being happily married. If you are unable to be happy single, it is highly unlikely that you will be happy married. Because those same issues that have made you unhappy are still alive and well when you are married.

My advice is trust God.

I know that sounds oversimplified but it's true. If you love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself, guess what? You are blessed. And ';blessed'; means ';happy';. Single or married suddenly means nothing when you are finding your ';joy in the Lord';.
Do what you enjoy, when you want to do it. Embrace the fact that you don't have to check your agenda against someone else's schedule or preferences.

I personally hated going to clubs alone so when I couldn't get one of my girlfriends or a co-worked to tag along I'd just find something else to do. I will go to a restaurant or movie solo and there are lots of ways to meet new people... volunteer for a charitable organization... start a new hobby... take a class... attend a community meeting.

Celebrate you! Good luck.
My friend was/is going through the same thing and I explained to her that you dont need to depend upon a man for fun, you are a smart, talented and interesting individual who can have fun without a man.

Just go out with some friends [who are single or taken, just so your not alone] when you go clubbing, go to the movies, do whatever you like to have fun.
Love your Self.

Go to a mirror and look into your eyes(not at your eyes) and tell your Self I love you. Do this before you go to bed and as soon as you wake up. Pay attention to your Heart when you do this. If tears start flowing, let them.
If you ever want to feel great about your life, go to a hospital and just sit there. Think about what those patients would do to be in your shoes!! If you have your health and family/friends, you have EVERYTHING you need. Everyone ends up alone at some point in their lives, and its normal. Life is wonderful without a man, trust me. Go out with your friends and eat or go to the movies. Or take a trip by yourself and explore a new city. If I'm having a particularly bad day, I write down all the reasons that my ex wasn't right for me. Most of my friends are married or in a relationship and only a few of them are really happy. It is always ALWAYS better to be alone than in a bad relationship!!
Hang with your friends as much as possible, take some time making yourself feel better about who you are, dress up so guys give you attention so you know you can get what you want, even if you dont take the offers. Do girly things. It'll all work out.
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